Ha haaaaa, now this was some funny shit. Basically, a few of us used to play pro paintball together for a while and started our own team, K2. We did pretty well considering we were built from a bunch of mates, we got a heap of sponsorship, kicked some ass, won the European Indoor Championships 2 years running, I designed some awesome jerseys over the few years and we looked and played some badass pro ball. Our good pal and old main sponsor, Ledz (see planet eclipse link in buddys) organised a trip out for a day of airsoft in Peterbrough. Airsoft is basically dudes running around pretending to be real soldiers with what look like real guns, but firing small bb pellets...full auto though so pretty hectic. We turned up and shit ourselves as there were guys fully kitted out, headsets, full camo, loads of guns, sidearms, grenades the lot, which was pretty intimidating if I'm honest, I mean we just rolled up with our paintball gear on looking like some extreme sports street tramp rejects...