
After many, many years of dormant activity in this digital space while I have busied myself with a growing family and all the insanity that comes with it, a recent house move exposed me to a number of boxes of DubMissile Tees that I did a long time ago. Never been worn, ready to go, so I think it's time to set them free once again!

Ok, the rims on the Holy Hoops Tees 'were' considered iconic way, way back but hey, the nostalgia train is a powerful thing. So, once I get mt shit together I'll be adding some pics, history and shoppable links to my classic DubMissile tees. Who knows, I may even get some beanies made. Or not. We'll see how much energy I have.

Watch this space... not constantly, it'll get boring. But definitely keep an eye on things.


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