DubMissile car boot sale!?

Ok guys, not sure if everyone likes this as an idea but...

All the tees are hand done, initially hand drawn designs, hand stitched labels, hand cut transfers and hand printed so there tends to be a few mistakes here and there when getting things right. I have a bunch of tees that haven't printed perfectly that are a bit light in some places, have gone distressed a bit or whatever. So, I was gonna get a list of what I have and sell em off at a discounted rate, saves them sitting there doing nothing. Some will be better than others, some may even be fine but a practice run of a certain style/colour tee that I aint happy with, but still a bargain nonetheless.

So, carboot sale stuff, £8 delivered sound good?

Gimme some feedback and I'll see what I got.


  1. Looking Good. Are you running a deal on two? How much to ship to the States? Garner, NC 27529 USA

    Keep up good work !


  2. Will do man!! This'll probably work out better for you being stateside, cost wise.

    What sizes you looking for? I'll see what I got around.



  3. ye man, if youve got any of them holy hoops tees, was gona get one anyway so :D
    matt volksdevil

  4. Good idea, I'd like another one and £8 posted is a bargain

    Any of the red/green colours in a large size?

  5. Right boyos, I'll check my stash tonight of what I have, there may only be about a dozen or so tees, some with feint prints in places or the logo on the back is faded or some kinda problem but still wearable.

    I'll probably do this often too, well, as often as I fuck up that is :-D

  6. What do you have in Small, any colour- VR6 Lump would be good...

    Cheers Stuart.

  7. Right guys, check the new post up the top, there's a list of what I have on offer.



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