Latest project done!!

Here we go kids. I've been working with El from PVW and Wheel Whores fame to design a special edition Wheel Whores tee based on my Holy Hoops design. After some tweaks and hand drawing a tasty Rotiform BLQ to replace the Keskin faker I had in the original, they've now got a shiny new black and gold tee of their very own.

These guys are awesome and if you've never heard of them or visited their site you're basically rocking the opposite status to Charley Sheen. For everything you need to know about hoops, ETs, poke, tuck, stance, camberz...and so on, #getfamiliar.

Always good working with El and keep your eyes peeled for these on the mean streets near you and any big shows where they'll have a stand for sure. If you can't wait that long, check out the Wheel Whores revamped website and all their sweet gear in the Knocking Shop.

More collaborations with these guys on their way for '11.



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