
Showing posts from March, 2011

Daily mobile awesomeness #12

2011 has started out well for the dub side of things. Got plans, got new wings and now my bro hooked himself up with a sweet em kay fow V5. But more on this later. For now, we kick started garage club again to start building rides up and having a bud with all the gear is a serious bonus. An extra bonus is all the killer Ferraris that are in the same place. Far be it for me to snoop around someone's pride and joy but I took a few snaps of the awesomeness on display. Two in particular were a 599 GTO which, at 350k is a serious piece of kit. Second, the same dude also owned a new 458 which he added 80k of options to. Insane!! Good work man, whoever you are.

Daily mobile awesomeness #11

Been sorting the cellar out today to get rid of crap and sort out my car bits ready for the big revamp. Stumbled across all my pro paintball gear so thought I'd share a couple of slices. We set up out own team, K2, about 12 years ago and did ok. We drove custom gear as part of our thing and I designed us custom jerseys, goggle straps, tees, hoodies, all kinds of crap and we loved it! A couple of us left K2 to play EXL with Shockwave which kinda strews the demise of the team but the spirit of K2 still lives on! That little VHS tape (yeah I know) is of probably the most influential paintball film ever made which goes beyond paintball and is worth a watch, even if balling doesn't interest you. It's called PUSH by Bryon Benini and Patrick Spohrer and will enlighten your lives. How High!?

Daily mobile awesomeness #10

Back on the horse! Just finished Confessions Of An Ad Man by David Ogilvy so now on to this awesome book I got for Christmas from my wife @ollierocks. May not be insane baaddaass rock and roll, it's about type. Type owns!! Anyways, books are the best things on the train to and from the mill. Knowledge is power y0!

Operation girl down in progress

Man I've neglected her. Having a pretty full on work life has meant the whip gets left til last and when you see the rot, hear the coughs and realise she didn't get a wash in 2010 (I know that's ridiculous) you know it's time to step up. So I've put some pics together of the bits and pieces I've been nesting to strap on and give her some serious love. Had a few hours in my local scrappers today so I can sort this out: So I snatched these bad boys in great shape, plus i nicked a bunch of cl indicators just as back up. I couldn't bring myself to buy spurious bits that don't fit. Some prep and paint and we'll be golden. Interior will be getting a touch old school with this once I've messed around with bosses. I've been rocking cl indicators and lights for about 3 years now so think it's time to push a bit more orange, this wheel will have a nice orange paintjob: The lump is due another sump after smashing that one up and she'll be gettin...

Daily mobile awesomeness #09

Quick bit of awesomeness for y'all. We're getting quite a team of Dunnys now which we're pretty proud of. I thought I'd share with you the latest arrivals. KidRobot's 2Tone Dunny series is my favourite to date and these two beauties by Maxx242 and McBess are absolutely killer. Enjoy some vinyl!!

Daily mobile awesomeness #08

I've stopped worrying about missing posts now, fuck it, life runs away with you sometimes and things slide. So I'm gonna be hitting my post game hard this weekend and see what awesomeness I can spread. First up, a question. Have you seen him? An old skater bud of mine Facebooked me today about some of us old guys who ain't skated for time getting together for a roll in Blackpool at the end of April, which sounds fucking epic. I struggle to make time to do stuff but this sounds like some pure fun and be good to see if I can kickflip some big gaps again. Probably not. Anyway, I ain't gonna explain this guy posted here. Any of you nu skoolers that don't know, have a look for Animal Chin and follow the trail. Good times were had, tears were shed and laughter was heard always when we went on the hunt for him. Deep down we all found him and if you haven't, keep searching. He's worth the wait. So rad. So rad.