Missile locked and loaded.

So, as you can see, I've revamped the main blog site a bit. Made the text a little bigger so it doesn't look lost and added some neat new header dividers which took me an age to play around with the html to figure it all out (I aint a coder). It looks a bit more complete now and solid, everything was kind floating around before which didn't work. I may have cluttered up a bit so there may be some font sizing to address, but, for now I like it a lot more than before. The DubMissile tab in the header is now active so you can use that to go 'home' from anywhere on the blog.

I'm also a Twitter saddo now too, got an account for my graphic design side of things Here so you can follow me if you like, plus, I've set up a Twitter account for DubMissile, to keep it all separate. You can follow that Here or check out the Twitter update thing in the right hand menu where you can click to follow.

So, new shop, restyled blog and Twitter. Time to concentrate on them designs and wallet manufacture now.


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