
Showing posts from June, 2008

Old School rules!!

It's been out of the frame for a while but the Unity Media crew have resurrected a legend!! Retro Cars is an awesome mag for anyone who digs old school rides from all marques. Everyone loves some retro love so this is well worth a peek. PLUS, they obviously have impeccable taste and gave me, the DubMissile, half a page in the news/new stuff bit which is AWESOME!! Thanks guys, looks like another bunch of reprobates I'll be sending some stuff too very soon!! I've also taken the week off work to play catch up with some stuff, which includes a couple of new designs I just haven't had the time to finish off...or even start in some cases. Back on track very shortly!!

Lady's first.

Well, my lovely girl has proven that all her hard work at Uni has payed off. She got a nice little letter from Bolton University the other day saying something along the lines of...Bachelor of Arts Honours degree in Textile and Pattern Design with FIRST CLASS HONOURS!! So I'm shamelessly taking this chance to say a big well done for kicking ass, staying with it and fighting through all the stress and confusion. She's also set up her own blog site traceylovespattern to chart her progress from now onwards. You can check it out and see her awesome Uni work. Love you angel x

Been waaaaaay too long!

So I haven't posted for a while due to being a busy mo'fo at work and at home but it all seems to be just about out of sight. I can now jump back onto some new tee designs I've been promising for the last month and get you guys dressed up like the kings and queens that you are. Did I say queens? Does that imply girls tees? Indeed it does my friends, I'll be sorting out the chick contingent with some girls options too. These will be mainly the same designs, plus, some quirky designs like on some of my pin badges which suit girls tees really well. Skinny fit tees in pinks and whites (I know, bit typical but still cool). PLUS, I may be offering up some different colour blanks as options too for boys and girls. All pale colours but still, more options. Right, I suppose I'd better crack on then. Laters!