
Showing posts from April, 2009

It's on!

Ok sports fans, all sorted out, got a quote that I'm happy with from a company who can also supply the cool tees that I'm after. The first batch will be limited to just 50 tees of the Holy Hoops design to test the water, across a few colour options. This way I'll get a feel for which colours are most popular and it'll give me a chance to iron out any problems before the next batch of tees. It's gonna be a good couple of weeks before they are printed and shipped to me but I'll post some snaps of the awesomeness when I'm ready to get em on the shop. Not long now you crazy kids.

You know you've made it when...

...someone on Ebay is selling one of your products!! Check this out, I can't remember who I sent it to if I'm honest, I think it was an extra tee but still, someone should buy this for a tenner. Ebay RARE!! They aren't lying either, I don't do the six shooter back print anymore so this actually is a rare item. Made me smile anyway.

On the verge.

I'm in talks today with a couple of companies to take on my screen printing work for the tees. It'll be slow at first as I can only afford to produce one tee style a month so I'm tracking the new online shop to see which tees are the most popular from plain clicks and views, up to now it looks close between the Rado and Holy Hoops tees, followed by the 1976 mk1 tee. This means I'll be printing these up in order and like I say, one a month...although, if sales really take off I'll print the next tee once the monies are in the bank or some outstanding design invoices come in. I really want to get as much up as possible for you guys so you have the choices you deserve, so, each tee will be single colour prints but on a few different colours (whites, pinks, blues, yellows...) so everyone won't look like twins at the shows. Sad times for the girls though, for now I'll be only printing up mens styles, but, the styles I'm picking are a real nice fitted and more...

More shop updates.

Getting my head round CSS coding at the moment, really need to learn that stuff for my job, but also I need it for my shop layout. It's starting to look more consistent now with the blog, good times! Also, check out my Twitter account and follow me for any updates that I don't post on the blog. I've created a repeat pattern based on my Holy Hoops tee, I got some awesome plans for this down the line, just need to get a few things clarified before I post it up though.

Shop update!

No, sorry, tees still aren't active yet as I don't have any stock but I've re-shot a couple of badge packs including the brand new 'hoops' badge packs and these are now up and active. I'm thinking of keeping it all random and making the badges collectible, plus, there may even be a special edition badge or two that are super limited. More on that to follow!!