Mini-store awesomeness!!

Busy ass week at work, at home and at Missile Command hence the lack of pics, but that my friends is about to change. I've nailed the print side of things now so as of this weekend I am open for business! I'm gonna be getting my girl to take some snaps of me wearing the various tees and post them all up here, update the designs menu AND you may notice I've been having a bit of a play with the awesome PayPal Labs storefront widget. This has pretty much answered ALL my worries about actually selling via the blog without it being huge pain in the ass emailing back and forth details, so, after a few tweaks this weekend the store should be fully functioning and you can hook yourself up with the first range of DubMissile threads.

Once sorted I'm gonna hit the dub forums with a launch message and will hopefully get some interest. I'm also aiming to take a bag full of tees to Ultimate Dubs with me a week on Sunday so expect a pre UD heads up.

There may also be some exposure news coming up, but I won't mention anything about it until I know it's a definite. Watch this space.

If I teeter any more on the edge I think I might fall off.


  1. That sounds great Al. That Paypal widget thing looks neat too. I reckon there will be a few guys interested down in my local forum so if you want, I'll make a post about it soon.

  2. Congrats on finally getting this going, Al. I know you've got to be excited. I'll be sure to get a shirt or two when you end up going live with them.

  3. Cheers boyos, thanks for the support. these things always take heaps of time but it's looking pretty close to completing now, which is kinda scary. I got big bags full of blank tees, boxes full of labels, sheets of badge designs, a pack of printed transfers for the tees and a pile of swing tags to cut out.

    Gotta get some pics of tees in the mini shop over the next couple of days then IT'S ON!!!! that shop widget is AWESOME!!


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