Edition38 2011

Well what can I say, Edition38 this year was epic as always. Everything actually went to plan, after my door hinge breaking last year setting us back half a day and the fact I was nowhere near finishing the VR off I decided to play passenger this year for the journey down. Which was awesome!! Our buddy Bob has been working hard getting his Mk1 Cabby in order and he's done an amazing job getting her sorted...apart from the roof. This meant I had a good chance to get over my hatred of Cabbys...which I did in a BIG way resulting in me being fully in love with it at the moment. All going well I'll be buying it in the new year.

On to the journey. No real spills but blasting down the motorway with the roof down in some old skool cool was real good fun, plus I got to snap a ton of pics with the 3G, all of which are at the end of this waffle.

I've been a crazy busy guy this past two years with my new job which has seriously affected my chance of going to meets an shows, but there was an inside to this. We usually go around the showfield with a 'seen it before' attitude but this year all the rides were funky fressssssh and we fully enjoyed the metal there. Plus, when you realise how hard it is to do small jobs on your own car you start to fully appreciate the graft the big boys put into theirs. Fair play guys and gals.

Me and my boy @flip316 (Instgram) met up with an instagram buddy @st4rk3y who turned out to be a full blown legend, all round decent bloke with a crazy sick ride, really sick. Always nice to meet Internet dudes who turn out to be genuinely cool and like a natter. His red A4 won big and deservedly so, soooooo much effort and detail gone into it and it all paid off huge. Big props brother man! One of my show favourites.

Another of my favourites was Carl's stellar bright orange RS4 rocking crazy Rotiforms, clean styling without the try hard approach of previous cars. In fact this was the one I'd be more inclined to steal. Epic!

Rotiforms pretty much had Edition locked down on the rim front and even had a chat with Brian himself who seems pretty happy with how things are going for him...and why wouldn't the be right? I think Rotiform and Compomotive need to join forces to build some heroic hoops.

Was great to finally have a good chat with Elliott from PVW and Wheel Whores plus it was cool to chat with some guys who bought the VIP hoops tee I did for Wheel Whores. Good times!

The best part of Edition was spending some decent time with my boys. Eating, drinking (lots) and giving eachother shit all weekend is what it's all about. It was cool to see the bucket2 makes her maiden voyage rocking her sweet blue X5 winters, the boy put sone heavy werk into that thing. Have a look at my many many snaps, if you're an Instagram hater then tough cuz I love it. If you love em then hunt me down on Instagram.

Until next year y0!


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