
2024... 'bout time for a blog post.

 As a busy chap with an involving job, a busy family life and house renovations that are never-ending I decided (stupidly?) to fire up the blog again. Not sure how long for, why, if I'll keep it going or how often I'll post but as I sit here in bed, messing about with the god awful Blogger templates, I'm finding it quite therapeutic. Sort of. Why I cannot seem to let Blogger sail off into the sunset is beyond me, maybe I'm just attached to it. That aside, let's just see what happens. Hopefully I'll be adding some car content to the Project page when the new car arrival becomes a done deal. And not that anyone cares but I sold all my wheels. And then bought some classic mini wheels. Two sets. But that's a different story. And I found a few boxes of my original DubMissile Tees when we moved to our new house, so I'll probably start slipping those back onto the interwebs for cheaps very soon on the Merch page. But until then... hello there, again.

Rim sale!! Rim sale!!

After a big cellar clear out (which took a fistful of weekends) it's time to make some space for future... stuff. So I've decided to flog my rims. All three sets are project rims so not in any finished state but all three sets are solid, straight and have great potential. SET 1: Genuine BBS Monzas 7.5 x 17 5x112 et51 All 4 wheels had been painted a graphite grey which looked great, but after time they took a lot of kerb rash and have been scuffed around being moved about so these need a good refurb. All 4 tyres are toast. Great quality solid rims that look pretty nice I think on the right car. I had these on my MK3 VR with 25mm adaptors and they looked cool. At bit different. All have stainless valve kits. I may even have a set of genuine VW centre caps too somewhere. The pics look worse than they are, they're very dusty and the scuffs aren't all that bad. Looking for £100 for these pick up only - or can meet halfway somewhere depending on distance


Well, well, well, this really has been a hell of a long time hasn't it. Where on God's earth have we been? Well I'll cut a long story short...ish. I spent 4 years working as a Creative Director of a very busy and growing branding agency, which kinda took a lot of my time away, which also meant a lot of my focus so unfortunately a few things had to go on the shelf for a while. But, I did my stint, learned a lot, enjoyed every minute and have since moved on to work for a company, and a sport, that I'm insanely passionate about which has kinda re-kindled my 'fun' again. Which means I've unchained the gates to the Missile Base, removed the dusty tarpaulin of the Missile itself and over the next few months I'm gonna start to get my house in order and bring her back to life. Not sure what I'm gonna do yet, but I do have a bunch of cool tees to shift that I've been sat on for quite some time, plus I'll be adding some new stuff to the range to

Let's do werk!!

Been kinda off the boil the past couple of years or so with the whole modding caper, which can easily be seen when you look at the state of the VR. So, time to put things right. Plans are simple. The VR is battle worn so no point spending all my dollars getting her perfect so I'm gonna have some fun. So what's the plan? First up, get her through the MOT this week, bald tyres everywhere so I've resurrected my 15x8 Revolution hoops with silly low ET and strapped some spanking new 185/55/15 Nankang rubber on em. I love a balloon tyre so let's see how it looks when they're popped. The hoops are in a terrible state, I'm not a big polisher but i'm working on bringing the lips back to life at the moment. Rough and ready style, Autosol, tin foil and elbow grease with a look to painting the lips down the line. The rest of the plans are simple. Breakers for parts, minimal spend and lots of manual labour. If I say too much I'll never do it and look like a big

Edition38 2012

Okay okay, I've had a bunch of people pestering me for an Edition post for this year, apparently I got quite a few fans of last year's. I've been meaning to do one but as many of you know my day job is taking up a ton of headspace at the mo so struggling to squeeze things in. I'll hook y'all up with a post this weekend along with a million snaps I took using my professional photographer's kit of choice...iPhone4s and Instagram ;-D Hold your horses kids, BRB.

Turning Japanese

As general car nuts, me and my boys always fire car shots about and talk shit about what we dig and it always drifts into the Jap scene (see what I did there). Scoobies, Skylines blah blah blah whatever, I do like an old school Line but for me you can't beat a MK2 CRX. Jap as fuck, cheap as fuck (apart from Vtec) and pretty nippy. Still miss my valver. Anyway, spotted these beauties trawling the Googlenets and thought why not share the love. Stay safe!

Whoa! Is me

My good buddy Fletch, frontman for his killer group The Sixth Letter informed me of their new album release Whoa! Is Me and I'll be honest with's fucking brilliant! Real good honest UK hip hop that is about as unaffected as you can get. The guys are all super talented without egos and are one of those bands that rock your world on CD but absolutely knock your teeth out when playing live. For me, these are the best kinds of band. Check them out all over the internets; or the Facebooks and at the mighty Twitters @thesixthletter. They also have a Big Cartel shop to buy their album from and other merch down the line. Well worth checking out and spread the word.